I AM’s Temple Christian Academy
Kindergarten 5 year olds
Monday – Friday: Home Work needs to be done every night
Every night each child needs to practice their name
Happy New Year Welcome to 2025
Monday January 20, 2025
- Name Sheet (Please put in their Home Work folder)
- Study New Poem
- Study for Friday’s Test
- Blend Book: Complete pages.
Tuesday January 21st 2025
- Name Sheet (Please put in Home Work folder)
- Blend Book, complete pages
- Math Packet
- Study: Bible: A, B,C,D, E
- Say and Color Spanish words
- Study for test on Friday
Wednesday January 22nd 2025
- Name Sheet
- Study: Review Poem
- Phonics and Writing packet
- Blend Book
- Study for test on Friday
Thursday January 23rd 2025
- Name Sheets
- Math Packet
- Study Bible verses
- Reading: Blend Book
- Say and color Spanish Words
- Study for Test on Friday
Friday January 24th , 2025
- Name Sheet
- Writing Formation packet trace and write I, u pg. 3-5, use the dots to guide you. numbers 1-10 pg. 5/6
- Study: Poems
- Blend Book
- We have home work and testing every Friday
- Please return all blend books so I can grade the pages that they read.
- All home work must be signed and dated by an adult.
- Any ripped home work will not be corrected.
- All home work with food stains will not be corrected.
- Folder: Please let me know before the name sheets are out.
- A one day grace period will be given for all homework or class work not completed.
- Bible: Study Bible verses I, A,O,U,E, T, N, B, M, S,C, K L, H.
- READING BEGINS: Practice blend books on pgs. 11-20, overcomers: pgs. 40- 48 (A blend Sound is a consonant and a vowel together)
- We are learning left and right, same Different, Top, Middle Bottom, first next, last, IN OUT, ON OFF, big/ little. up/down, Mother/ Father, Sister/ Brother, boy/ girl, Man/ Woman, light heavy/ Over/ under, Alike / Different, greater than/ Less than., Young /old, Front/Back.
- We are writing, spelling and saying our color, shapes and number words.
- We Started Character Development: School Habits, Being Polite, School Rules, Using Well-mannered Words. Selfish, Unselfish,
- Phonics and Language: Identifying vowels in one vowel words and how to make the one vowel words, When their is one vowel in a word that vowel says the short sound, when their are 2 vowels in a word, the 1st get loud by saying its name and the 2nd Vowel is Silent.
- Sight Words: A I The(u). in on, and, it.
- During our bible time they are learning about Joseph
- Please practice the sound of the letters A-Z in Spanish. Numbers in Spanish 1-10, Spanish Colors
- Poems: Who has seen the wind
- We are learning about the 5 senses, Living and Non- Living things
- Math and Handwriting- Letters Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu, Ll, Tt, Bb, Nn, S, k, C, H, Mm. Write numbers 0-10 say and Spelling words: Zero, one two, Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Our Shape words are: Circles, squares, triangles, rectangle, oval, heart, star, diamond. Introducing Nickels and counting by “5”s
School Supply List
- 2 packs of 64 Crayola Crayons.
- 2 boxes for pencils and crayons
- 2 pks. #2 Ticonderoga pencils
- 10 plastic folders placed in a 3 ring binder, please label 1 – Home Work/ Information 2- completed Work folder 3- progress report and report card folder, 4- Spanish/ Bible 5- Science/ Health, 6- Art 7- Reading 8- Drama/ Praise and Worship
- No markers, pencil sharpeners, or colored pencils.
- 1 blunt edged scissor
- 2 packs of Clorox wipes
- 2 packs of baby wipes
- 1 pack of paper towels
- 4 packs of tissues for noses
- 1 pack of plates
- 3 pack of forks/spoons
- 3 hand sanitizers
- 3 hand soaps
- 1 Plastic container ( labeled) (1st Draw) 2 Coloring books 2nd draw- Folders, 3rd draw Toys.
- Girls can bring in tea sets, 2 coloring books, ponies, play dough
- Boys can bring in play dough, blocks, car set, 2 coloring books.
- 1 smock, 1 pack of Crayola washable paint, and 8 large to small paint brushes and a pack of painting paper.
- 2 black and white composition books labeled, Phonics,/ Spanish, Science / Health.
- 2 Packs of Multi- colored index cards
- All toys must fit in their draw and taken home Friday to be washed.
- 2 bottles of Alcohol
- 1 small pillow ( must be placed inside the desk on on a hook)
- cancelling noise head set.
- 4 Erasable markers
- This can be purchased at Walmart or Amazon
Thank you for all we are about to do together. Let us build a legacy together that will last beyond our time. ”For with man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.
Your Servant in Christ, Sister Sharon Johnson